Gardening is an art, a science, and a labor of love — all rolled into one.

It’s a journey of discovery, patience, and nurturing.

Whether you’re interested in growing your own delicious vegetables, vibrant flowers, or both, we hope to be able to provide you with helpful instructions as well as any tips or tricks we’ve learned over the years.

All the seeds we offer come with full instructions here on our website. These guides are designed to be your green companions throughout the growing year, offering insights into the unique requirements of each plant variety.

Ready to embark on your gardening adventure?

It all begins with a single seed and a dash of curiosity.

Explore our shop and choose the plants that will soon grace your garden.

Click the “Shop Now” button below to start your journey.

If you’re looking for an in-depth exploration of how seeds grow and how to start them, click here for our comprehensive seed-starting guide.

If you’ve already purchased seeds from our shop, then you will find more detailed instructions in the links below.

They offer step-by-step directions for sowing and growing your seeds.

We also provide follow-up care advice so you’ll get the most from all your sweat equity.

Vegetable Seed Sowing Instructions

American Purple Top RutabagaMesclun Mix Salad Lettuce
Baby Bok ChoyMortgage Lifter Tomato
Black Beauty EggplantPerpetual Spinach Chard
Black Dinosaur KalePigeon Peas
Black Magic Tuscano KaleRed Russian Kale
Calabaza SquashRoselle
California Wonder PepperSan Marzano Tomatoes
Cocozelle ZucchiniSooyow Nishiki Japanese Cucumber
Floradade TomatoesSugar Baby Watermelon
Florida Giant WatermelonSweetie Cherry Tomato
Gardener's Delight Cherry TomatoesTall White Stem Bok Choy
Georgia Southern Collards
Jericho Romaine Cos LettuceTatsoi Cabbage
Marglobe TomatoesWaltham Butternut Squash

Flower Seed Sowing Instructions

Black Button Bachelor's ButtonsChoice Mix Bachelor's ButtonsMixed Zinnias
Black-Eyed SusansClassic Magic Bachelor's ButtonsMoonflowers
Blanket FlowerClassic Romantic Bachelor's ButtonsMorning Glory
Blazing StarsDwarf Sensation Mix CosmosNasturtiums
Blue Butterfly Pea VineFlanders Poppy (Red Poppy)Purple Coneflower
Blue SalviaFrench MarigoldScarlet Sage
BorageGarden BalsamSensation Mix Cosmos
CalendulaIndian Blanket FlowerShowy Evening Primrose
California Giant ZinniasKapoor TulsiSunflowers
California PoppyLanceleaf CoreopsisSwamp Milkweed
China AsterLove-in-a-MistTall Red Plains Coreopsis
Mexican SunflowerWild Lupine