Mexican sunflower, Tithonia bloom
Tithonia Rotundifolia Petals Mexican Sunflower

Mexican sunflowers are a dramatic addition to any annual flower bed. With large, soft green foliage, they offer height in the garden, sometimes topping up to 6-feet tall.

Their flowers are a vivid orange, with red centers, daisy-shaped and measuring up to 3″ across. Butterflies love Mexican sunflowers, and bees and other pollinators are drawn to these striking blooms.


  • Attracts a wide range of pollinating insects
  • Excellent nectar plant for hummingbirds
  • Easy to grow, and tolerant of poorer soils
  • Blooms readily in high heat
Mexican sunflowers


Like other sunflowers, Tithonia grows to a great height in a single season. Unlike other sunflowers, however, it’s a sturdier plant. It can spread out to about three feet wide and is generally sturdy against most high winds.

Mexican sunflower blooms in late summer, making it an excellent showstopper when earlier season flowers have faded.

Tithonia rotundifolia is sometimes confused with its close relative Tithonia diversifolia. T. Diversifolia is commonly used as a nutrient accumulator in permaculture applications. While not quite as beneficial, T. Rotundofolio also makes an excellent green manure at the end of the growing season.

Tips for Germination

Native to Mexico and Central America, Tithonia prefers a warm place to germinate. Plant seeds in a sunny location and cover with 1/4 inch of soil. Keep soil moist until germination.

It can seem slow when compared to other annual flowers, germinating in as long as three weeks.

Once it is a few inches high, water once a week if there is no rainfall. Also, water if it looks wilted by early evening.

Fertilize once or twice when buds begin to appear, but avoid overfeeding. Deadhead flowers regularly until the first frost.

Buy Tithonia Rotundifolia Seeds Here

Species Name: Tithonia rotundifolia
Common name(s): Mexican Sunflower
Defining Characteristics: This fast-growing annual reaches 5' to 6' high and features vivid, nearly neon orange flowers.
Temperature requirement:Germinates at 70°F and is not hardy
Watering frequency: Keep moist until established, then water once a week if there is no rainfall or as required
Lighting: Full sunlight (6-8 hours a day)
Soil type:Average to sandy soil
Growth rate: Seed Germination: 14-21 days
Height: Grows from 5' to 6' high, and up to 3' across
Origin:Mexico and Central America
Regional locality: Unknown
USDA Hardiness Zone: Annual, no hardiness zone
Toxicity Notes:No toxicity known or reported
For more information please visits the ASPCA list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants
Common Pests:Slugs and snails
Common Problems:
High winds can cause breakage due to height
Perfect Potting Companions:
Additional Notes:Avoid overfertilizing for better bloom